#Five Little Peppa Pig Jumping on the Bed #Nursery Rhymes Collection Songs #Peppa pig en español

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#Five Little Peppa Pig Jumping on the Bed #Nursery Rhymes Collection Songs #Peppa pig en español - Популярное видео

Five Little Peppa Pig Jumping on the Bed - Nursery Rhymes Collection Songs
Five Little Peppa Pig Jumping on the Bed - Nursery Rhymes Collection Songs
Five little Peppas jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped her head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more Peppas jumping on the bed!"

Four little Peppas jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped her head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more Peppas jumping on the bed!"

Three little Peppas jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped her head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more Peppas jumping on the bed!"

Two little Peppas jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped her head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more Peppas jumping on the bed!"

One little Peppa jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more Peppas jumping on the bed,
Put those piggies back to the bed!"

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#Five Little Peppa Pig Jumping on the Bed #Nursery Rhymes Collection Songs #Peppa pig en español - Популярное видео


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