Peppa Pig English Episodes New Compilation 2016 #2

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Peppa Pig English Episodes New Compilation 2016 #2 - Популярное видео

Peppa Pig English Episodes New Compilation 2016

Peppa and her family are at the swimming pool. George is a little worried at first but is soon splashing happily with his friend Richard Rabbit. Rebecca Rabbit is there too. She and Peppa are very proud of their swimming skills. Everyone is surprised to discover that Daddy Pig is very good at swimming and diving. Very good indeed.

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Peppa and her family have gone for a day of swimming. Rebecca Rabbit and Richard rabbit come too. George is scared of the water at first, but soon starts to like it.
When Richard rabbit drops his watering can in the pool, everyone is surprised to learn how good Daddy Pig is at swimming under water. He can even dive without making a splash!

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Peppa Pig English Episodes New Compilation 2016 #2 - Популярное видео


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